KwetukwenuDistributors – Kwetukwenu

Kwetu Kwenu Distributors

One of the key values and promise of Kwetu Kwenu Distributors is the connection between manufacturers and other businesses with consumers. We design and plan distribution systems to all intermediary channels including wholesalers, retailers, agents and outlets in East and Central Africa. We currently distribute body protection apparel; helmets, gloves, coveralls, reflective jackets and footwear.
By 2019, our goal is to expand our portfolio to include beverages, cosmetics, electronics and many other products. We are open and flexible to any relevant opportunity.

Kwetu Kwenu Group Sarl

+243 972 722 343

+243 852 377 721

Our address

Nord Kivu / Goma, Av. Du Golfe,
No. 55, Q. Katindo

© 2023 copyright all Rights reserved: Kwetu Kwenu Group

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